The Real War

We’re at war and don’t know it. Attention, energy, and lives are being wasted on defending against an “enemy” who doesn’t really have the capacity or the will to do us that much harm (if you define harm in terms of citizen lives)– i.e., “terrorists.” But the war we should be attentive to is going on all around us. Prosecuting this war is going to be complicated. It has an infinity of fronts. The enemy is a shadowy, formless, crafty, non-state actor. You probably shook hands with members of this invisible army yesterday, or watched them on the TV. And you weren’t aware that they killed or maimed American citizens in many multiples of the number killed and wounded in military service.

Let us first figure out who they are, and then find a way to stop them. Nothing could be stupider than to be at war and not know it.